Meisner Acting – 2nd year
Class Description
Let the fun begin!
The focus of the second year work is character.
You will learn practical applications on point of view, how to craft an impediment, how to particularize a specific moment, and how to advance your understanding of relationships. We will work on text and learn how it can affect the crafting you apply to a role. All this will be accomplished through a series of exercises that will continue to build on the first year technique in the same way – layer upon layer.
Learning to put the Meisner work all together to create a role and repeat the performance in an open and organic way as if it were always the first time.
Meisner 2nd year is very demanding of your time and commitment. Our standard of excellence is high for both teacher and student.
The completion of this course requires 32 weeks of study divided into two16-week semesters.
Prerequisite: You must be invited to study the 2nd year acting work.
Acceptance requires an interview with the Director as well as completion of the 1st year or equivalent. You needn’t have trained in the 1st year here at the Studio to be considered for enrollment.
About the Instructor
John DeSotelle
3-3 1/2 hours twice a week
Outside rehearsal and practice in addition to class time is required.
Days of Week