Scene Study

Started on February 7, 2024 6-Weeks

Scene Study


This next session is an 8-week class.  The final class is a Showcase for invited guests – Wednesday, March 26.

Actors should ALWAYS be training – ALWAYS building upon the fundamentals of their craft.

Class Description
Scene Study at the Studio provides a platform for actors to practice their craft, unleash their imagination, take risks, experiment, and stretch outside their comfort zones.

Practice breeds certainty and expertise, resulting in greater confidence
and success in the audition room, on stage, and on set.

Focus is on the rehearsal process and the practical aspects of cultivating a more in-depth understanding of the acting instrument while advancing and strengthening the actor’s existing set of skills.  This is accomplished through developing a deeper understanding of the text while working on character, behavior, relationships, objectives, actions and specificity within the scene.

Keep your Body / Voice / Mind  Creative, Active and Strong.

Prerequisite: You are currently in your 2nd year of training or have completed your training in the Meisner work or equivalent acting technique.
(You do not have to be meisner trained. However, you must have a way to work.) 
If you have not trained at the Studio you are still invited to join the class. However, an interview and possible audition is required for actors new to the Studio.

John DeSotelle

6pm start
3-4 hours once per week (dependent upon number of attendees each session)
Outside rehearsal in addition to class is expected.

Days of Week

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