Combat for Stage and Film

Started on January 1, 1970
Stage Combat

Stage Combat


Class Description

Stage Combat is divided into modules focusing on various tools of the trade and work towards the title of “Actor Combatant”.

This 8-week course covers the first two modules.
Module 1 introduces actors to the fundamentals of theatrical hand-to-hand combat and basic weaponry, along with a general understanding of safety, rhythm, stance, and movement.

Common vocabulary and understanding of approach sets the foundation needed to progress to more advanced weaponry in Modules 2 and further study.

Module 2 covers the art of sword fighting including scene work incorporating saber work.

Prerequisite: None

About the Instructor

2-4 hours per class (dependent upon number of attendees each session)

Days of Week

Register Now

MEISNER PROFESSIONAL ACTING - Schedule your Audition for the fall session

ACTING - The Beginning - Starts May 3

ON CAMERA - Starts May 3