Studio Reading Night – The Weir
John DeSotelle Studio 754 Ninth Avenue, 3rd & 4th floor, New York, NY, United StatesWe will be reading THE WEIR by Conor McPherson
Sunday, September 25. Please join us!
We will be reading THE WEIR by Conor McPherson
Sunday, September 25. Please join us!
NOW INTERVIEWING for Meisner 1st and 2nd Year
Call 212-581-0188 or Email for an appointment
November 20, 6:30pm
Free - All are Welcome
RSVP Requested 212-581-0188
On-Camera Acting Class
Starts Saturday - April 29
We are reading The Crucible - October 27
You are invited!
8 week ACTING CLASS - Saturdays 11am
Starts Saturday June 15
Saturday & Sunday, 10am - 5pm
Weekend Actor Boot Camp
Beginner to Advanced Level Actors
Saturday, June 29
6pm Refreshments, 6:30pm start.
Williamson Room
20 Plays, 20 Directors, 56 Actors all vying for a place in the final round of 6 top plays
Starts October 10
Interviewing NOW! Call 212-581-0188
Ghost Story Night
October 25
6pm Reception, 6:30pm Start
Bring a scary ghost story to share
Wednesdays, 6pm
8-weeks / Showcase March 26
Next Session starts February 5