Meisner Styles

core training program - master

Meisner Styles


M3 Program – Styles

Exclusive study of 3rd level Meisner Acting – a specialized program expressly focused on applying the Meisner work to classical text along with period style work and physical study – Shakespeare, Greek drama, Molière, Wilde, Chekov, Ibsen, Strindberg, etc.

Only offered to actors who have taken the full 2 years of Meisner training.
Final determination of acceptance will be made after an audition and personal interview regarding depth of training in the technique.

The structure of the class will involve classical reading and text analysis, evolving into scene work and monologues / soliloquies, along with final presentation. We will focus on the “actors inner state of being” and the moments in between, and crafting of multi-layered details in order to create a deeper, richer and more fascinating character.

Physical movement and period style will be studied and incoporated into the final piece.

This course is 6 hours per week for 10 weeks

Fall Session :

Winter Session :

MEISNER PROFESSIONAL ACTING - Schedule your Audition/Interview for the next session

MOVEMENT - Williamson - Saturdays - Starts February 22

BEYOND THE REEL - Starts February 13