Perfecting the Self Tape
Class Description
Whether you need it for an audition, your website, BackStage or even a reel…this workshop will set you apart from your competition. The call for virtual auditions and self-taping has skyrocketed since the onset of the pandemic. Casting directors, agents and producers are bombarded as more and more actors are sending in videos – hundreds of self-tapes crossing their desks every day
How in the world will you stand outamong ALL your competition, look experienced, professional and put your best fooot forward…. through the screen?
We absolutely can help! This 4 week workshop is fun, fast-paced, and on Zoom with a powerful combination of personalized actor coaching along with successful and effective techniques that will catapult your tape to the front lines.
Your self-tape – whether for an audition, your website or reel, will look more polished, deeply-crafted and professional, setting you apart from the other submissions.
- Work within the class, individually with a professional acting coach, perfecting your monologue and presentation.
- Learn how to enhance your performance with the right backdrop, colors wardrobe, lighting and filming techniques.
- Watch and learn from fellow actors to see what works and what doesn’t to help improve your presentation.
Classes are small and everyone will work every class..
Prerequisite: You are currently in training or have completed your training in the Meisner technique or equivalent actor technique.
About the Instructor
John DeSotelle
2-3 hours per week (dependent upon number of attendees each session)
Days of Week