Beyond the Reel
Introductory cost $495
An On-Camera Solo Piece Workshop
Every actor leaves with a professionally filmed and edited 2-3 minute solo piece
Class size: maximum 4
Class Description
Elevate your acting arsenal with a professionally filmed solo piece that can be submitted as a powerful, example of your on-camera acting skills.
Beyond the Reel is much more than an “on-camera” class. In this small (2-4 actors) class each actor will develop and enrich their solo piece (monologue) through a one on one on-camera coaching/directing process.
What’s different about this class over other On-Camera Audition classes?
While most On-Camera classes deal with cold sides and making quick choices (all of which are very important and necessary), Beyond the Reel will advance your understanding and skillset through the following steps:
- DAY 1 – Table Work – Shape your Monologue into a Compelling Story (effective for both screen and stage).
- DAY 2 – On-Camera – Make Choices that Matter – How to be Interesting for the Camera (beats, actions, arc)
- DAY 3 – On-Camera – Create the CINEMA look – Set, Props, Costume. (no blue backgrounds)
- DAY 4 – On-Camera – Our first look at costumes, props and set. (make adjustments)
- DAY 5 – On-Camera – Final dress rehearsal – lights, sound, set dressing – REAL FILM LOOK.
- DAY 6 – FINAL SHOOT DAY – Everyone Attends!! Date TBD
Generally scheduled for the first available weekend (Friday, Saturday, Sunday) after day 5. All students will participate the day of the shoot – assisting with lights, sound, setup, and break-down. So plan accordingly. All pieces will be shot during this weekend. Plan on a Friday/Saturday or Saturday/Sunday. We may not need two days but book it nonetheless.
Editing – After we wrap if it off to the editor to create a professionally edited version:
Editing is a two to three-week process, which includes 1 set of notes after the first cut. You will receive your final piece in an MP4 file unless otherwise stated in advance.
Overall, this 6-week session will aid you in every aspect of your acting and on-camera process.
You will understand how to work better on-camera. You will see how your choices matter and how they read on film. You will learn how to take direction and translate it into your work. And you will make all of your public and private profiles stand above and beyond the competition.
The length of each class time, whether 2 or 3½ hours will depend on the number of people selected. The 6th week and final class will be an all-day film shoot over a one to two day span.
Prerequisite:: You must have had training on an intermediate or advance level.
If you are new to the Studio, an interview and audition will be required before being accepted into the Workshop. Please contact deborah@desotellestuio.com for an interview/audition.
About the Instructor
John DeSotelle
2-4 hours (dependent upon number of attendees each session)
Days of Week