Portrait Exercise

Started on January 1, 1970

Portrait Exercise – Bobby Lewis


Class Description

This is a 5-day Master Class originally conceived by Bobby Lewis and conducted over the course of three weeks.  The class is expressly designed to strengthen actor skills in character work, interpretation, and storytelling; it also provides an outstanding bridge into working with period style and heightened language. The work fully engages the actor’s imagination and inspires a holistic approach to performance that is most often found in actors at an advanced stage of training. The performance outcome of the exercise is a mini one-person presentation which, following Lewis’ guidelines, makes use of the student’s talents as an actor, director and auteur.

Bobby Lewis is one of the foremost directors and acting instructors in the history of the American Theatre. He devised his Portrait Exercise in the latter portion of his career to help actors enhance their ability to approach character work while deepening their sense of the actor’s role as a storyteller.

In this master class the work will be taught in four sessions, culminating in a 5th session and final presentation (including costumes, sound, props) to invited guests, family, friends, etc..

Prerequisite: You have completed your training in the Meisner technique or equivalent acting technique.
If you have not trained at the Studio you are still invited to join the class. However an interview and possible audition is required for actors new to the Studio.

About the Instructor
Gene Terruso

2-3 hours per class (dependent upon number of attendees each session)

Days of Week

Register Now

MEISNER PROFESSIONAL ACTING - Schedule your Audition/Interview for the next session

MOVEMENT - Williamson - Saturdays - Starts February 22

BEYOND THE REEL - Starts February 13