Studio Series Post Template

August 2018

Once Upon a Dream

Once Upon A Dream is a festival of new works imagined, produced, directed and acted by Studio artists. The theme interweaves five pieces through a journey of fear, longing, friendship, love and loss. Dreams, as in Art, emanate from the innermost parts of our subconscious and our soul. For when we dream, both in waking and in slumber, there is nowhere to hide; it is where we may discover our truest self, our worst nightmare, our deepest fear, a hidden secret or an overwhelming desire.

A Hot Mess by Sonseray Reed, Inverness by Lucius Seo, Prayers in the Pines and Shimmers by Lindsay Partain, Why by Maranatha Leigh

Actors / Directors / Creative & Production Team:
Ashley Laroche, Dori Levit, Sheikh Niloy, John Rearick, Maranatha Purring, Tracey Toth, Chanel Karimkhani, Sonseray Reed, Emily DeSotelle, Sydney Wilson, Karin Crighton, Nicholas Ferrara, Natalie Streiter

Production Gallery

MEISNER PROFESSIONAL ACTING - Interviewing for Next Session

ACTING - The Beginning - Summer Session starts June 15